Reading in Challenge Lower School classrooms
- Opportunities for reading in the learning areas, such as menus, timetables, shopping lists, etc.
- Individual phonics sessions.
- Lexia reading programme.
- Yellow box
Reading in Challenge Upper School classrooms
- Lexia reading programme.
- Reading tests at the beginning of the year to track progress.
- Individual reading books– book bands for differentiation.
- Individual reading with staff during English lessons.
- Entry Level English qualifications .
- Yellow box
- Reading and writing/reading out the daily question
- Reading for research (photograph below) - using the Internet to find out facts/information
- Functional reading skills- e.g. reading own timetable, reading instructions in cookery, following written guidelines in forest school
- Reading comprehension tasks (Yellow/Blue box)
- Reading texts in literacy as part of literacy lesson e.g. spotting verbs or time conjunctions in texts
- A lot of general reading throughout day e.g reading out questions in circle time, emails, questions on maths challenges etc
Reading in Challenge Post 16 classrooms
- Lexia reading programme.
- Reading tests at the beginning of the year to track progress.
- Individual reading with staff during English lessons.
- Functional reading opportunities available in all lessons.
- Functional reading in the community– real menus, timetables, etc.
- Functional Entry Level English qualifications.