Artsmark Platinum Award

Today we received the fantastic news that we have been awarded the Platinum level in Artsmark, having moved up from Gold! Feedback from the panel included;
Priory Woods School & Arts College gain Artsmark Platinum Award
“We were deeply impressed by the range of provision you offer in the arts, the centrality of the arts in your work and the quality of leadership and management that sees you evaluating and reflecting on the impact of arts and culture.”
“You have extended your offer through the adventurous project to give all children access to Shakespeare and you have sought out and been sought out by external providers, benefiting your own pupils and the wider educational community”
“Your advocacy of arts and culture is admirable”
Well done to all the Priory Woods staff who work so hard to ensure our pupils get the best possible arts experiences and of course thank you to our amazing pupils who are always so enthusiastic and up for every challenge!