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Priory Woods School & Arts College

Priory Woods School & Arts College A Special Place to Learn

Year 7 Catch-Up Funding Impact Statements

Below is the most recent Impact Statement.  You can find downloads for previous years at the foot of this page.

Year 7 Catch - Up Funding Impact Statement 2019 - 2020

The Year 7 Catch Up Funding is a government initiative that provides additional funding designed to target resources on those students who have not achieved level 4 or above in Reading and/or Maths. It is estimated that the Department for Education (DfE) provides us with an additional £464.27 per student so that we can deliver extra support to help these students to “catch up.”

In 2019 – 2020 funding was £8357.00

Details of how Priory Woods School used this funding to support these students and increase their successes are outlined below




Continued Years subscription for RM Maths and Lexia reading program.


Student will access software during lessons and have home access.

Software was used successfully both in class and during lockdown to support students learning at home.


Semi-formal equipment for 2 semi-formal classrooms.






To help students meet their individual MAPP targets – students will access the learning resources during their sessions.


Awaiting MAPP data, delayed due to school closure. Expected November 2020

Equipment and resources for lockdown / school closure



To support home learning homework packs created, including stationery, books and equipment. These packs to be updated on regular basic so students can continue their learning at home.

Students received homework packs, which were updated on regular basis which supported their learning during school closure.

Subscription for My Maths online software continued.



Student will access software during lessons and have home access. This software will support our formal learners.

Software was used successfully both in class and during lockdown to support students learning at home.

Purchased sensory equipment – small switch activated communication devices and weighted hand bands.

To support PMLD student to be able to take an active part in sessions and communicate their preferences.

Equipment used and enabled the student to actively participate in her communication sessions.