Lower School
Lower school pupils have been exploring the topic 'Why is Water Wet?’. They have been exploring sensory art including foam and bubble painting, printing and creating textured art work with sand and collage. In dance and drama, pupils have been taking part in a fully immersive experience, allowing them to explore different environments. This includes; using musical instruments to recreate the sound of rain and waves, water play, sensory bottles, lights and materials and touch. Whole group signing and signing continues to be a focus this half term. Our Lower School Arts Award pupils continue to explore the local area and finding sculptures in nature.
Upper School and Post 16
We have successfully been part of two pilot accreditations in Music. Eleven students achieved the first ever Arts Trinity Award in Musical Development and the second saw three students being awarded a Performance Assessment Award accreditation from ABRSM.
Students joined Bamboozle Theatre Company on a journey down the river as they visited school to perform their latest creation called The River. The show, which is specifically created for PMLD students, brought the river alive and featured an array of textures, storytelling and live music.
Pupils discovered they had the power to help String and Strong become friends by singing, dancing, laughing and making music. This immersive theatre experience for Semi-formal pupils was fun, entertaining and very special.
Mithra Trio delighted us with a Music performance for upper school students.
Open Orchestra wowed audiences with their repertoire at the Youth Voice Day at Middlesbrough Town Hall.
Team Turner visited the Northern school of Art and Design to join in with workshops and again to see the end of end show. It was really impressive.
Beverly School and the Open Orchestra collaborated once more and performed in assembly in a celebration of students achieving music examinations.
Team Shakespeare performing The Tempest. This piece is all about power, justice and freedom. It has been an upper school collaboration with some creative classes making the set, props and some costume for the show.
Post 16 students performed their production of Parkside Rocks to staff, family and friends. This is a musical written and devised by the students themselves. Will Parkside School stay open? Let us hope so!
We are very proud that, once again, the school has been awarded Artsmark Platinum status by the Arts Council England.
Students have been working towards their creative accreditations in Arts Award, AQA Unit Awards, ASDAN, BATD, and ABRSM. Well done everyone, thank you for a great half term!