Home Learning
Please note that we are aware that this area of the Website is outdated and we will be updating it as soon as possible.
Please find links to helpful resources on the right of the page (or below if on a mobile).
At Priory Woods, we have developed our remote learning to support continued engagement and progress of our pupils.
We aim to support families and pupils with meaningful activities based on individual pupil's learning intentions, following a similar structure and opportunities that they would have in school. Where appropriate, we will supply resources as well as learning packs. We regard the learning as a partnership with families.
Some learning may take place via live links to school staff or with the support of filed lessons or activities. These may also be provided by other agencies that we work with in school.
Using a range of ways to maintain contact with families, we will support with the learning opportunities offered, offer suggestions and discuss progress.
Our digital resources are available on our website and may be used at specific times if joining a live session, or at a time which best fits the needs of the pupils and families. We encourage feedback for example, through photos or videos, and via DoJo or by email.
We do not have expectations in terms of time spent; rather we will work with families to support them to meet their child's needs in the best way for them.