Uniform Policy
School Uniform

Lower School:
- Yellow polo shirt
- Royal blue sweatshirt / cardigan
- Grey / black trousers or skirt
- Yellow or blue check or striped dress for summer
- PE kit consists of a white t-shirt and royal blue shorts
We also encourage all children to wear sun hats in the summer.
Upper School:
- Pale blue polo shirt
- Royal blue sweatshirt / cardigan
- Grey / black trousers or skirt
- Yellow or blue check or striped dress for summer
- PE kit consists of a white t-shirt and royal blue shorts. Trainers will be required for outdoor activities. In winter it would be advisable for your child to have jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt for outside games.
We also encourage all children to wear sun hats in the summer.
Post 16:
Students in Post 16 are not required to wear uniform; however, some may prefer to due to the need to keep to a routine.
Clothes should be comfortable and stand up to the wear and tear of school life. We do not recommend that students wear expensive designer items.
All clothes should be suitable for a school environment, e.g., no logos or images that could be considered offensive or sexual in nature.
Where to purchase it
All items, in the school colours, are available from the major chain stores and supermarkets at very reasonable prices.
Sweatshirts, polo shirts, white PE t-shirts and reversible waterproof/fleece jackets carrying the school logo are available from:
Lollipops, 20, Norfolk Place, Berwick Hills, Middlesbrough TS3 7PA
Telephone: 01642 225827
Lollipops also offer a ‘pre-worn’ uniform service where parents can donate good quality used uniform, and take pre-worn uniform.
Expectations for our school community
Pupils are expected to wear the correct uniform (other than specified non-school uniform days) but we understand that this can sometimes cause issues. If your child struggles to wear the required uniform please get in touch with their class teacher.