Week 1
We would like to introduce this topic by asking you to take notice of the buildings around you.
Could you go for a local walk and pay attention to the different types of buildings you see.
Some things to think about...
- What is the building?
- How many windows does it have?
- What is it made out of?
Perhaps there is a building site nearby where you could observe the construction workers and machines from a safe distance? If not you could watch this video with lots of different construction machinery and building materials.
We would love to see photographs or hear about what you found out during these local walks.
Sing along with Bob the Builder
why don't you watch some of the episodes too?
Construction Exploration
Why don't you try out some sensory exploration around buildings and construction? Use whatever you have available but here are some ideas...
- Chocolate angel delight or hot chocolate powder for mud
- Cereal or Pasta for rocks and bricks
- Play Dough or Shaving foam/play soap for cement
Get dancing!
This is a great song to dance along to whilst you build an imaginery house!
Explore lego bricks in play dough and paint
what shapes will you make? maybe you could even make a letter from your name?