Keeping your child safe online is something we are keen to promote and this need to keep them safe online exists beyond the school day. As the risks of going online grow daily, not just in relation to the risk of people whom pose a risk to children sexually but also the risk of radicalisation.
To help parents to help their children become more resilient online we recommend parents initially take a look at the following 4 links below: an online product designed to raise parents awareness about the risks online from radicalisation. Useful resource for parents and carers about keeping your child safe online a great starting point for specific information about questions you as parents may have about the risk of radicalisation
If you have concerns about a young person or vulnerable adult at risk of radicalisation you can notify the designated safeguarding lead at the school (Hazel Souter) or contact Middlesbrough Councils safeguarding team on (01642) 726004, the purpose of PREVENT is to safeguard vulnerable people from the risk of being exploited by extremists.
Other useful resources:
- Middlesbrough Council's Prevent resources
- Let's Talk About It: help and guidance for the public in order to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism
- FAST: Where to find help if you're worried your child is at risk of radicalisation
The councils separate page for travel to conflict zones
PREVENT tragedies page which is a useful source with embedded videos to support families with an aim to discourage people from travelling abroad.
Twitter Resources for advice for parents around social media
Childnet @childnet
The Parent Zone @ThePrentZone
SimFin @simfin
Middlesborugh risk and resilience
Counter terrorism Police @TerrorismPolice