Week 5
This week's topic is all about adventures! In our book the family are looking back at the adventures they have had and starting to plan new adventures when we can safely be out and about again. The activities this week will hopefully help you think about adventures you have had with your family and friends, and help you plan some new ones. Let the fun begin!
My favourite Adventure.
Use the worksheet at the bottom of the page to tell us all about your favourite adventure. My favourite adventure was flying to New Zealand to see my sister.
Time to get outside.
Use this spring scavenger hunt to plan your next adventure. I wonder how many you will find. Don't worry if you can't get out and about at the moment, you will find an indoor scavenger hunt at the bottom of the page.
Reading can take you to all different places.
Reading and listening to stories can take you on lots of adventures. Above are a few ideas, you can listen to 'We're going on a bear hunt on the video below.
Get cosy in your own den
Use the 'How to build a den at home' guide at the bottom of the page to help you create adventures at home.
Creative time.
Hot air balloon craft -
Make a hot air balloon using a paper plate to take you up into the clouds on a far away adventure. Use the instructions at the bottom of the page.
Yoga Adventure.
Enjoy some time for you on this fun Safari adventure.