Children in Need 2021

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Children in Need – Friday 19th November 2021
On Friday 19th November our school will be joining many others around the UK to raise money for the BBC’s Children in Need appeal. This year, we are having a ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ theme, all staff and students are invited to bring a £1 donation or some loose change and come to school wearing their Pudsey clothes/ears, something spotty or dress up Strictly Come Dancing style!
The money raised by the appeal supports work all year round in communities right across the UK. Funding local charities and projects who help remove the barriers that are facing children and young people, so that they can thrive. Children in Need work closely with a whole range of organisations so they can understand where the need is greatest, ensuring the money raised goes to supporting the young people that need it the most.
Thank you for your continued support,
Priory Woods Staff