Wear it Pink Day

Crazy outfits and coffee morning!
To help in the fight against cancer Priory Woods will be hosting a ‘Wear it Pink’ day on Friday the 18th of October. Pupils are asked to show their support by turning our school pink! We are asking that pupils come into school wearing something pink - clothes, hair, socks – anything pink! We are also hoping that pupils pay a 50p donation for this amazing cause on the day which will be collected in during registration.
On the day parents and pupils will be invited to come down to a pink coffee morning from 10.00 – 12.00 at the school. At the event will be lots of stalls including:
In addition to the morning we hope that you are still clocking up some cycle miles with your child for our Cycle 300 challenge that we are taking part in for Cancer Research. If your child has raised any money for this please remember to send it with your child on Wear it Pink day or, alternatively, please pledge it on our just giving page:
We would very much appreciate any donations of tombola and raffle prizes in the run up to the day. If you are able to send in any cakes for the cake stall we would be grateful if you could send them in on the morning of Friday 18th October. All pupils will have the opportunity to come along and take part so please send them in with a small amount of money. Most of all we would love you to come along on the day and help us to raise money for this fantastic cause. We hope to see you there.
Yours sincerely,
All the staff at Priory Woods