Silver Class News

Silver Class have had a very busy term doing lots of exciting things.
Our topic has been 'Bright lights, big cities' and as part of this we have been learning about Middlesbrough and London. We looked at famous landmarks for both cities and compared them. We have also been learning about The Great Fire of London. We researched how the fire started and why it spread so quickly. We made models of Tudor houses and recreated Pudding Lane.
Following this we went for a visit to Stewart Park and took part in an Arts day where we learned about The Great Fire of Marton Hall and created some lovely art work to represent this.
As part of our science we have been learning how to make an electric circuit to light a bulb. This caused lots of excitement and the children loved experimenting with different materials to see which conducted electricity.
In literacy we were practicing writing letters and wrote a letter Queen Elizabeth to invite her to an afternoon tea at our school. We were so excited to receive a reply from the palace ( well actually it came from Balmoral Castle) even though the Queen said she wouldn't be able to come. We invited a few other special friends and still had the afternoon tea without her and had a lovely time.
Last week we had the opportunity to go to Redcar with Tees Valley Wildlife Trust to take part in a Beach School session where explored the rock pools on Redcar beach. Even though the weather was miserable everyone had a great time and were fascinated by all the things we found on the beach.