Yellow Class
Easter Term 2024
Yellow Class have had a lovely but very busy half term! We have been learning and having great fun throughout our topic ‘In the Garden’. Some highlights have included exploring in soil, splashing in puddles at Forest School and planting cress and sunflower seeds. We are excited to see how big our sunflowers will grow, so far they are looking promising.
We looked amazing when we dressed up for World Book Day and Comic Relief and had lots of fun across Lower School.
Wishing you all a lovely time off with your families, looking forward to seeing you all back in school after the Easter holidays.
Yellow Class
Yellow class have settled in well with their new staff, routine and classroom. We have enjoyed activities around our 'My Family' topic and we loved sharing photos of our loved ones. Playing outside, swimming and exploring in the Sensory Integration room are some of our favourite things to do.