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Priory Woods School & Arts College

Priory Woods School & Arts College A Special Place to Learn


Encouraging every child's independence at a level appropriate to them is very important. Having more time at home can offer more time for practising key independence skills and opportunities to get your child involved in daily tasks at home.

What does this look like? 

This will be different for each individual child but we encourage independence at every level. Allowing them time to make their own choices, get involved, practise key skills, learn about the world around them, find their own things, make mistakes and solve problems.

 Don't do things for them that they may be able to do themselves. Sometimes they may get it wrong but these mistakes are all part of the learning process. 

Here are some videos with tips and ideas for encouraging independence and some videos or familiar songs that the children may enjoy watching...

5 Ways to teach Independence 


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Things at Home



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Dressing Skills


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Time to Tidy up! 


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Wash your hands!


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  • Encourage your child to make choices during day to day life. 
  • Can they find the right number of bowls/spoons for breakfast? Pour their own cereal into the bowl?
  • Help to prepare their own lunch e.g. make a sandwich together, clear away after themselves.  
  • Encourage their independence when dressing and undressing at a level which is appropriate to them.
  • Washing their hands- especially important at the moment!
  • Involve them in tidying up, check out our 'Tidy up time' song for this as it will be familiar. 
  • Could they help with other jobs at home- give them a cloth to help clean alongside you or a small pile of clothes to help put away. 

We hope some of these ideas and video links are useful, please ask if you have any questions.